This must include digital versions via dropbox or google drive (or another appropriate, file sharing platform). Please ensure that drive is shared with permissions set so that anyone can access it. Include at least 8 to 10 photos of your
work: at least half of these must be work that you intend to show during ArtWalk (these should be current works not recently shown in Nelson or in a previous Nelson ArtWalk). Also please include a headshot and, a maximum 250-word biography or artist’s statement. Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
● All works must be framed or otherwise professionally displayed. Artists are responsible for the installation of their work in cooperation with the gallery location. Work must be ready for viewing by noon on the first day of the opening (Saturday, June 24th and/or Saturday, August 5th, 2023).● Exhibitions must include a framed or suitably presented bio/artist’s statement on site. All work will be for sale unless otherwise agreed, and must be priced.
● ArtWalk labels will be available at the gallery if you run out. The artist must sign a commission agreement when the show is installed (65% artist-25% venue-10% NDAC split).
● The artist is requested to attend their opening receptions on Saturday, June 24th and/or Saturday August 5th, 2023. The artist will be responsible for the removal of his or her exhibition not before the last scheduled day (September 10th, 2023), in cooperation with the gallery location. Shows may under no condition be removed before the last day of the show.
● In the happy event of sale of work, work should remain for the duration of the show when possible. If this is not possible, arrangements should be made to provide a replacement piece or rearrange spacing. The gallery is responsible for collection of money and will disperse the balance, after commission, to the artist and to ArtWalk, no later than three weeks after the closing date of the show.
● Preference will be given to artists showing recent work not previously exhibited in Nelson ArtWalk or other Nelson venues. Not all artists applying will be placed in ArtWalk 2023. Well- presented application portfolios have a higher success rate.
● All artists must abide by COVID protocols as laid out by Worksafe BC and the Provincial Health Officer at the time of the events.
● Artists are required to promote ArtWalk 2023 in their newsletters and on their social media channels, as well as tag ArtWalk (@ArtWalkNelson) and the Nelson and District Arts Council (@NelsonArtsCouncil) in Facebook/Instagram posts, using the hashtags #artwalk2023 #nelsonartwalk2023 #nelsonanddistrictartscouncil.
● Please make copies of your application and guidelines and keep for your records and information.