Code of Conduct

NDAC is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for artists, volunteers and staff to work and be treated with respect and dignity. As such, NDAC has a zero tolerance policy for all forms of harassment, discrimination, bullying, hate speech, and violence.

Harassment can take many forms, including unwanted sexual attention, inappropriate jokes or texts, threats, and other unwelcome verbal, written, visual, or physical communication or conduct.

All artists, cultural workers, volunteers and staff at NDAC events or programs are entitled to the following:

  • Freedom from harassment and discrimination in all forms, including racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and gender discrimination.
  • The safety and empowerment to speak out and report abuses.
  • The respect of personal and physical boundaries.
  • That programming involving culturally-specific content will be conducted with advance consultation, care, and respect.
  • That programming involving sensitive material – including trauma, intimacy, and violence – will be conducted with the utmost care, advance consent, and respect.


In support of these values and expectations, we will ensure that:

  • This code of conduct applies to all staff members, volunteers, board members, contractors, and artists who conduct work on NDAC’s behalf or participate in NDAC events.
  • Any individuals whose behaviour violates this code may be removed from the premises or prohibited from returning in the future.
  • All violations will be taken seriously and consequences will be appropriate to the violation.
  • There will be measures to ensure the confidentiality and safety of any complainants. Individuals will be shielded from any repercussions for reporting violations in good faith.


If you witness a violation of this policy, please notify the Executive Director. Complaints may be made verbally or written through email to Thank you for honouring this code of conduct and our shared responsibility to foster and maintain spaces in which everyone can create and enjoy art safely and with respect.


Canadian Mental Health Training Bystander Intervention Training

Nelson Mental Health
Crisis Response Nurse: (250) 505-7268
Nelson MHSU Office: (250) 505-7248

Complaint Resolution Flowchart