Jerome Davenport assist by Christopher Antony

Jerome Davenport a.k.a. ‘Ketones6000’, is an Australian aerosol artist breathing new life into the world of modern art. His work is blurring the lines between graffiti, muralism and natural elements with incredible colour and percussion that resonates around the world.

Named as an award winner in Australia’s eminent ‘Black Swan Portrait Awards’, Jerome has been leaving his artistic mark around the world, setting up shop in London throughout 2017/18/19, where he has been painting for numerous street art festivals around Europe and North America Including Blackburn’s ‘Open Walls’ Loures Public Street Art Festival, in Portugal, UpFest Bristol, Nelson International Mural Festival, Canada and ArtsWells Canada. Jerome is an artist for artists, he continually runs workshops and programs associated with giving up and comers a chance to develop as artists.

Related Works

Home Location

Western Australia

Artist: Jerome Davenport

Photographer: Electrify
