Dom Laporte

Dominic Laporte is an Ottawa-based muralist and illustrator whose work combines traditional painting and mixed-media techniques. Over the past decade, Laporte has painted in Canada, Spain, Mexico, and India and developed a distinct style that’s become a familiar feature of Ottawa’s urban environment. Laporte’s painting has always been inspired by his direct surroundings and his murals allow him to reach audiences who may not frequent art galleries.

Laporte’s recent work is as much a stylistic development as it is a reinvention of his aesthetic and thematic concerns. After years of exploring portraiture’s unique ability to capture the diversity of human emotion and experience, his new paintings turn to natural environments and the symbiotic connections between species and ecosystems. Laporte’s style combines realism and surrealism to encourage us to think about our relationship and responsibility to other species despite our different needs and inevitable gaps in understanding.

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Artist: Dom Laporte

Photographer: Electrify
